
Toy Rocket

Fun printable toy rocket for imaginative play or decoration.

Printing Tips

Printing Technology: FDM
Layer Height: 0.2mm
Perimeters: 4
Infill: 10%
Infill Pattern: Gyroid
Recommended Material: PLA, PETG, ABS, TPU
Supports: None
Support Type: None

Print relies on good bed adhesion until the fins meet. Recommend not scaling this below 75%

Assembly Instructions

Materials Needed:

1. Print
2. Enjoy!

Download Links

Model Comments

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Customize Model

min: <min1>, max: <max1>

min: <min2>, max: <max2>

min: <min3>, max: <max3>

min: <amin1>, max: <amax1>
min: 200, max: 250
min: -0.05, max: 0